Outbound Notification

NeetoChat's Outbound Notification feature ensures visitors are always informed of replies from your team. If a visitor asks a question but gets distracted or leaves the site, they'll receive an email notification about any unread messages from agents. This is especially useful when agents respond later, ensuring visitors stay updated even when they're not actively browsing your site.

Outbound Notification

How does the Outbound Notification feature work?

The Outbound Notification feature in NeetoChat notifies visitors via email when they have unread messages from your support agents. This ensures that visitors are informed of replies even if they are not actively on your website at the time.

What happens if a visitor's email address is not captured during their visit?

If a visitor's email address is not captured during their interaction, NeetoChat cannot send them outbound notifications via email. It's recommended to encourage visitors to provide their email address for better communication and support follow-up.

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